Biodiversity Conservation
The NISSIN FOODS Group recognizes that our business
activities—including raw material procurement—depend greatly on
the blessings of nature, such as healthy soil and abundant surface
and underground water. These are backed by biodiversity, and
balancing biodiversity conservation and restoration with business
development is essential for continuation of business in the
medium to long term. We have therefore formulated the NISSIN FOODS
Group Biodiversity Policy after approval by the Board of
We also promote activities for Nature Positive, which seeks to bring
positive recovery to the decrease in nature and biodiversity caused
by deforestation and such. We aim to achieve carbon neutrality—net
zero CO2 emissions and absorption—by 2050. Our initiatives
for promoting Nature Positive and achieving carbon neutrality are designed
to create mutual synergy with each other.
Response to the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
Trial Assessment of Nature-related Risks and Opportunities
Biodiversity conservation and restoration are necessary to achieve the NISSIN FOODS Group’s goal of Nature Positive. In November 2022, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)*1 release the TNFD Nature-related Risk and Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework Beta v0.3*2, which we used as reference to conduct a trial assessment of nature-related risks and opportunities based on the LEAP approach*3 to understand the impact of the Group’s business activities on biodiversity.
- *1The TNFD is an international initiative for building a framework that allows private companies and financial institutions to properly assess and disclose the risks and opportunities related to nature’s assets and biodiversity.
- *2As the TNFD would be recommending the final version of the information disclosure framework in September 2023, this is a prototype framework released beforehand to gain feedback from stakeholders.
- *3This is a process advocated by the TNFD for science-based systematic assessment of nature-related risks and opportunities. It is characterized by its sequence of four steps—Locate, Evaluate, Assess, Prepare—after selecting the scope of assessment to locate the interface with nature, evaluate dependencies and impacts on nature, assess material risks and opportunities related to nature, and prepare to respond to risks and opportunities and report to stakeholders.
Definition of the Scope of Assessment
According to Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks
and Exposure (ENCORE)*1, the sectors most dependent on nature
are agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries and forest
products that include production processes such as rainfed and
irrigated arable crops, dairy, and saltwater wild-caught fish.
In particular, food companies depend on natural resources and
significantly impact biodiversity through their business
We therefore determined that, out of the Group’s value chain, it
was important to start from assessment regarding raw material procurement.
In this trial, from the various raw materials being used in the
major products of the Group, we defined a total of seven items
as the scope of assessment. They are palm oil, wood pulp, cacao
mass, and soybean which are included in the forest-risk commodities*2;
and shrimp, squid, and fish paste which are raw materials from
the sea (Fig. 1).
- *1ENCORE is a tool—jointly developed by entities such as the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA) and UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)—that allows business activities’ degree of impact and dependence on nature to be understood.
- *2Of the commodities and raw materials being traded globally, these are the ones that are thought to contribute toward deforestation and forest degradation in their production processes. Specifically, such commodities include cacao, palm oil, soybean, timber, wood pulp, cow products, leather products, and natural rubber.

(Fig. 1)
Four Steps of Assessment
- Locate
We evaluated the major sources of the seven items in five grades for the areas of integrity of ecosystems, importance of biodiversity, and water stress. To ensure coherence with the NISSIN FOODS Group’s procurement strategy, we also considered each raw material’s strategic importance, possibility of alternatives, ease of procurement, and rate of price increase. From these, we selected priority countries and regions from our major sources. As a result, out of the major sources (37 countries and regions) for the seven items in the scope of assessment, we identified source countries and regions to be prioritized in the following four items (palm oil, shrimp, cacao mass, and wood chip).
(Fig. 2)
- Evaluate
Regarding the raw material production processes in the priority countries and regions identified in the Locate step, we carried out integral evaluation of the degree of dependency and impact on nature by combining data from ENCORE regarding dependencies and impacts on nature with regional characteristics of the place of origin, raw material characteristics, and the results of document surveys related to actions of industrial groups and such (Fig. 3). When evaluating the degree of impact, for impact factors such as greenhouse gas emissions and water usage, besides negative impact arising from business activities, we also include initiatives that lead to mitigation of negative impact and creation of positive impact.
Raw material Dependency Impact Palm oil
(Indonesia and Malaysia)- ・Sustainable use of fertile soil
- ・Presence of pollinating insects
- ・Flood damage minimization at plantations and oil mills
- ・Deforestation from agricultural land development and slash-and-burn farming
- ・Loss of biodiversity and deterioration of soil
- ・Soil pollution from chemical fertilizers, etc.
- ・CO2 emissions from modifying the land
Wood chip
(Japan [Hokkaido])- ・Water resources needed for growth of trees
- ・Soil nutrients needed for growth of trees
- ・Presence of pollinating insects
- ・Modification of ecosystems due to harvesting of natural forests
- ・Deterioration of ecosystems due to abandonment of reforestation
- ・Elimination of ground cover and topsoil due to tilling of land
(India [Kerala])- ・Maintenance of water quality needed for growth of shrimp
- ・Provision of nursery habitats for shrimp fry
- ・Destruction of marine ecosystems due to trawling
- ・Depletion of fishery resources due to bycatch and overfishing
Cacao mass
(Ecuador)- ・Water resources needed for growth of crops and operation of plantations
- ・Soil nutrients that support the growth and quality of crops
- ・Presence of pollinating insects
- ・Modification and destruction of rainforests due to expansion of agricultural land
- ・Pollution from improper use of pesticides
(Fig. 3)
Raw material Palm oil
(Indonesia and Malaysia)Dependency - ・Sustainable use of fertile soil
- ・Presence of pollinating insects
- ・Flood damage minimization at plantations and oil mills
Impact - ・Deforestation from agricultural land development and slash-and-burn farming
- ・Loss of biodiversity and deterioration of soil
- ・Soil pollution from chemical fertilizers, etc.
- ・CO2 emissions from modifying the land
Raw material Wood chip
(Japan [Hokkaido])Dependency - ・Water resources needed for growth of trees
- ・Soil nutrients needed for growth of trees
- ・Presence of pollinating insects
Impact - ・Modification of ecosystems due to harvesting of natural forests
- ・Deterioration of ecosystems due to abandonment of reforestation
- ・Elimination of ground cover and topsoil due to tilling of land
Raw material Shrimp
(India [Kerala])Dependency - ・Maintenance of water quality needed for growth of shrimp
- ・Provision of nursery habitats for shrimp fry
Impact - ・Destruction of marine ecosystems due to trawling
- ・Depletion of fishery resources due to bycatch and overfishing
Raw material Cacao mass
(Ecuador)Dependency - ・Water resources needed for growth of crops and operation of plantations
- ・Soil nutrients that support the growth and quality of crops
- ・Presence of pollinating insects
Impact - ・Modification and destruction of rainforests due to expansion of agricultural land
- ・Pollution from improper use of pesticides
(Fig. 3)
- Assess & Prepare
Based on the dependencies and impacts on nature confirmed in the Evaluate step, we identified the nature-related risks and opportunities in the Group’s raw material procurement as shown below.
Nature-related risks that mainly arise from impact on raw material producers are seen as physical risks, while those that mainly arise from impact on stakeholders are seen as transition risks, and we identified risks with high criticality in particular (Fig. 4).
For nature-related opportunities, based on initiatives that lead to mitigation of negative impact and creation of positive impact established in the Evaluate step, we considered opportunities that are feasible for the Group by raw material (Fig. 5). We will also work on the development and use of plant-derived alternatives using food technology—a strength of the Group—as an opportunity that is shared by several raw materials. In addition, given that our products have contact points with a wide range of consumers regardless of age or gender, we will strive to improve consumers’ recognition of sustainable procurement and certification systems and contribute to the formation of a market for sustainable products by displaying Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and other certification logos on product packaging. Going forward, we plan to assign priorities to the nature-related risks and opportunities we have identified and set targets for managing the progress of initiatives.Nature-related Risks
Raw material Physical risk Transition risk Chronic risk Acute risk Policy/regulation risk Reputational risk Market risk Palm oil
(Indonesia and Malaysia)Prices will increase if the supply of palm oil drops because producers are unable to adapt to deterioration in ecosystem services, such as a decrease in the number of pollinating insects and pest predators, soil pollution from the use of chemical fertilizers, and water pollution from discharge of palm oil mill effluent (POME). Prices will increase or there will be a need to change sources if production activities at oil palm plantations are disrupted due to more severe water damage arising from agricultural land development, or the loss of plantations and deterioration of ecosystems due to improper slash-and-burn farming. Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures and restriction in palm oil supply if there are tighter regulations on agricultural land development and chemical fertilizer use, mandatory acquisition of certification, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. - Supply will be pressured and prices will be high due to increase in demand for palm oil as an alternative for fossil fuels. Wood chip
(Japan [Hokkaido])Prices will increase if the supply of timber drops due to deterioration in ecosystem services, such as soil pollution and pollution or depletion of water resources. - Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures and restriction in wood chip supply if there are tighter regulations on land use and harvesting restrictions, mandatory acquisition of certification, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. - Supply will be pressured and prices will be high due to increase in demand for timber, which is a renewable resource. Shrimp
(India [Kerala])Prices will increase if the supply of shrimp drops due to deterioration in shrimp habitats because of poor seaweed growth caused by a rise in seawater temperatures, seawater becoming acidic, or water pollution along coastlines. Prices will increase or there will be a need to change sources if the supply of shrimp drops due to crude oil discharge or occurrence of red tides. Supply will drop if there is a spread of diseases among shrimp due to water quality, biodiversity, and other environmental changes in their habitats. Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures if there are regulations regarding mandatory installation of devices to prevent bycatch, mandatory acquisition of certification, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. Prices will increase if the supply of shrimp drops due to longer fishing ban periods. - - Cacao mass
(Ecuador)Prices will increase if the supply of cacao drops because producers are unable to adapt to deterioration in ecosystem services, such as a decrease in the number of pollinating insects, pollution or depletion of water resources, and soil pollution from the use of chemical fertilizers. Production costs will increase due to artificial pollination and additional fertilizers caused by a decrease in the number of pollinating insects. Prices will increase or there will be a need to change sources if production activities at cacao plantations are disrupted due to disasters, disease and insect damage, and other such impacts. Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures and restriction in cacao mass supply if there are tighter regulations on agricultural land development and chemical fertilizer use, mandatory acquisition of certification, limitations on water intake, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. - - Overall - - Governance costs will increase due to strengthening of aspects such as supplier management and monitoring systems. Blame for destruction of natural capital at suppliers affects NISSIN, lowering our brand image. Consumer preferences shift to products that use raw materials with lower environmental impact. (Fig. 4)
Nature-related Opportunities
Raw material Opportunity Palm oil
(Indonesia and Malaysia)●Sustainable use of natural resources - ・Expansion in procurement volume of RSPO and other certified products
- ・Understanding and monitoring of high-risk suppliers through forest monitoring
- ・Request for voluntary engagement of and corrective actions from high-risk suppliers
●Ecosystem conservation, restoration, and rejuvenation - ・Support for small-scale farmers in acquisition of certification
- ・Conduct of activities to maintain the landscape of areas around plantations
Wood chip
(Japan [Hokkaido])●Sustainable use of natural resources - ・Expansion in procurement volume of FSC and other
●Resource efficiency - ・Development of containers that use less timber
(India [Kerala])●Sustainable use of natural resources - ・ Expansion in procurement volume of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and other
●Ecosystem conservation, restoration, and rejuvenation - ・Support for fishing operators in acquisition of certification
- ・Promotion of bycatch prevention measures
●Resource efficiency - ・Promotion of fishing waste reduction
Cacao mass
(Ecuador)●Sustainable use of natural resources - ・Promotion of the procurement of Rainforest Alliance and other certified products
- ・Collaboration with NGOs and industrial groups
(Fig. 5)
Nature-related Risks
Raw material Palm oil (Indonesia and Malaysia) Physical risk Chronic risk Acute risk Prices will increase if the supply of palm oil drops because producers are unable to adapt to deterioration in ecosystem services, such as a decrease in the number of pollinating insects and pest predators, soil pollution from the use of chemical fertilizers, and water pollution from discharge of palm oil mill effluent (POME). Prices will increase or there will be a need to change sources if production activities at oil palm plantations are disrupted due to more severe water damage arising from agricultural land development, or the loss of plantations and deterioration of ecosystems due to improper slash-and-burn farming. Transition risk Policy/regulation risk Reputational risk Market risk Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures and restriction in palm oil supply if there are tighter regulations on agricultural land development and chemical fertilizer use, mandatory acquisition of certification, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. - Supply will be pressured and prices will be high due to increase in demand for palm oil as an alternative for fossil fuels. Raw material Wood chip (Japan [Hokkaido]) Physical risk Chronic risk Acute risk Prices will increase if the supply of timber drops due to deterioration in ecosystem services, such as soil pollution and pollution or depletion of water resources. - Transition risk Policy/regulation risk Reputational risk Market risk Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures and restriction in wood chip supply if there are tighter regulations on land use and harvesting restrictions, mandatory acquisition of certification, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. - Supply will be pressured and prices will be high due to increase in demand for timber, which is a renewable resource. Raw material Shrimp (India [Kerala]) Physical risk Chronic risk Acute risk Prices will increase if the supply of shrimp drops due to deterioration in shrimp habitats because of poor seaweed growth caused by a rise in seawater temperatures, seawater becoming acidic, or water pollution along coastlines. Prices will increase or there will be a need to change sources if the supply of shrimp drops due to crude oil discharge or occurrence of red tides. Supply will drop if there is a spread of diseases among shrimp due to water quality, biodiversity, and other environmental changes in their habitats. Transition risk Policy/regulation risk Reputational risk Market risk Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures if there are regulations regarding mandatory installation of devices to prevent bycatch, mandatory acquisition of certification, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. Prices will increase if the supply of shrimp drops due to longer fishing ban periods. - - Raw material Cacao mass (Ecuador) Physical risk Chronic risk Acute risk Prices will increase if the supply of cacao drops because producers are unable to adapt to deterioration in ecosystem services, such as a decrease in the number of pollinating insects, pollution or depletion of water resources, and soil pollution from the use of chemical fertilizers. Production costs will increase due to artificial pollination and additional fertilizers caused by a decrease in the number of pollinating insects. Prices will increase or there will be a need to change sources if production activities at cacao plantations are disrupted due to disasters, disease and insect damage, and other such impacts. Transition risk Policy/regulation risk Reputational risk Market risk Prices will increase due to the need for costs of measures and restriction in cacao mass supply if there are tighter regulations on agricultural land development and chemical fertilizer use, mandatory acquisition of certification, limitations on water intake, introduction of carbon taxes, and other such policies and regulations. - - Raw material Overall Physical risk Chronic risk Acute risk - - Transition risk Policy/regulation risk Reputational risk Market risk Governance costs will increase due to strengthening of aspects such as supplier management and monitoring systems. Blame for destruction of natural capital at suppliers affects NISSIN, lowering our brand image. Consumer preferences shift to products that use raw materials with lower environmental impact. (Fig. 4)
Nature-related Opportunities
Raw material Palm oil (Indonesia and Malaysia) Opportunity - ●Sustainable use of natural resources
- ・Expansion in procurement volume of RSPO and other certified products
- ・Understanding and monitoring of high-risk suppliers through forest monitoring
- ・Request for voluntary engagement of and corrective actions from high-risk suppliers
- ●Ecosystem conservation, restoration, and rejuvenation
- ・Support for small-scale farmers in acquisition of certification
- ・Conduct of activities to maintain the landscape of areas around plantations
Raw material Wood chip (Japan [Hokkaido]) Opportunity - ●Sustainable use of natural resources
- ・Expansion in procurement volume of FSC and other
- ●Resource efficiency
- ・Development of containers that use less timber
Raw material Shrimp (India [Kerala]) Opportunity - ●Sustainable use of natural resources
- ・ Expansion in procurement volume of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and other
- ●Ecosystem conservation, restoration, and rejuvenation
- ・Support for fishing operators in acquisition of certification
- ・Promotion of bycatch prevention measures
- ●Resource efficiency
- ・Promotion of fishing waste reduction
Raw material Cacao mass (Ecuador) Opportunity - ●Sustainable use of natural resources
- ・Promotion of the procurement of Rainforest Alliance and other certified products
- ・Collaboration with NGOs and industrial groups
(Fig. 5)
Issues and Actions for the Future
The measures for dealing with the nature-related risks and
opportunities identified through this trial will continue to
be studied under the lead of the Sustainability Committee of
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS while seeking coherence with our
environmental strategy EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030 and the
various strategies toward achieving carbon neutrality and
Nature Positive.
In addition, we plan to continue conducting assessment of nature-related
risks and opportunities as part of the Group’s overall risk management
process. In subsequent assessments, we seek to further divide the
procurement countries and regions under the scope into smaller
units, and carry out quantitative assessment using indices appropriate
for each raw material.
Items to Prioritize
As a biodiversity-related goal, the NISSIN FOODS Group aims to raise the procurement ratio of palm oil that is assessed to be sustainable to 100% for the entire Group by FY 3/2031. In addition, to observe our policy of zero deforestation, we take actions such as ensuring the traceability of oil mills and analyzing the risk of deforestation through satellite monitoring tools. For mills assessed to have a high risk of deforestation based on the analysis results as well as their surrounding oil palm plantations, we plan to gradually conduct individual surveys together with Caux Round Table Japan*1 and Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS)*2 using questionnaires and dialogues.
- *1A global network of business leaders working to realize a fair, free, and transparent society through sustainable and socially responsible business
- *2A local union of small-scale oil palm farmers in Indonesia that was established in 2006. The union supports production of oil palm with consideration for the sustainability of farmers. It maintains a network with more than 8,000 small-scale farmers in seven regions across Indonesia. Some of its activities include data collection and mapping of small-scale farmers, organization of farmers, training to improve productivity, and supporting the acquisition of certification—such as Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and RSPO—by farmers.
Forest Maintenance
Inappropriate management of forests can lead to degradation of
its ability to absorb CO2, as well as increasing the
risk of landslide and avalanche disasters. It also affects
ecosystems. Since 2016, employees of the WAVE—our research and
development center located in Tokyo’s Hachioji City—and their
families have been carrying out forest maintenance annually at
the nearby green conservation area. These activities are held
with support from the NPO Green Support Hachioji and the Tokyo
Metropolitan Government’s Bureau of Environment.
This activity includes thinning trees and clearing undergrowth so
that sunlight can reach the forest floor, and also sets aside time
to enjoy the blessings of the forest through handicraft experiences
for children and planting shiitake mushrooms. To date, a total of
88 persons (this number includes employees and their families) have
participated in forest maintenance.
Preparation of a Habitat for Insects
In Komoro City, Nagano Prefecture, 115 species of butterflies
were confirmed*1. Asama Plateau is a habitat and breeding
environment for various rare species, which also include the
Colias palaeno and Aporia hippia, both designated as Nagano
Prefecture natural protected species. However, many insects in
Nagano Prefecture are in danger of extinction, and there is a
need for initiatives to conserve them.
By creating a biotope*2 on the premises of "the Momofuku Ando Center
of Outdoor Training (Momofuku Ando Center)” in Komoro City, Nagano
Prefecture, our group is helping to preserve rare insects that are
in danger of extinction in this region.
Furthermore, to increase interest in biodiversity, we solicited photographs
of insects visiting the biotope to compile a digital insect picture
book containing photos of 100 insect species. NISSIN FOODS Holdings
received the Biodiversity Action Award in 2018 given by the Japan
Committee of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity (UNDB-J).
The Company was also selected two years in a row for the Japan Nature
Conservation Awards (2018 and 2019) organized by the Nature Conservation
Society of Japan.
- *1From the Second Komoro City Basic Environmental Plan (revised) (Environment and Water Supply Department, Komoro City, Nagano Prefecture)
- *2“Biotope” in English comes from the German biotope, which originated from the Greek words bios (life) and tops (place). It refers to a space where local wildlife lives, grows, and reproduces.
- *3An agreement under which citizens’ groups, companies, schools, and other organizations cooperate in activities to conserve the natural environment and biodiversity in Nagano Prefecture (This agreement was renewed in May 2021)