Sustainable Procurement
There are various underlying problems regarding raw materials
production processes, including child labor, forced labor, poor
working conditions, and the negative environmental impact on the
areas around the production site.
The NISSIN FOODS Group instituted the Basic Policy on Green Procurement
in May 2007 and is promoting procurement of environmentally friendly
raw materials. In addition, we build a traceability system from raw
materials to finished products and product shipment for the purpose
of ensuring product quality.
To strengthen these initiatives, in September 2017 we instituted
the NISSIN FOODS Group Policy on Sustainable Procurement. This policy
addresses food safety, respects the global environment and human
rights, and proclaims our commitment to procuring legally produced
raw materials. For realizing this policy, the cooperation of our
primary suppliers is important. We therefore inform them of the policy
and obtain signed documents on the confirmation.
In the NISSIN FOODS Group’s environmental strategy, EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030, we set a goal to raise the procurement ratio of palm oil that is assessed to be sustainable to 100% for the entire Group by FY 3/2031. We are undertaking measures to achieve this goal as quickly as possible. In addition, we aim to raise the procurement ratio of palm oil that is assessed to be sustainable to 100% for our instant noodle business in Japan by FY 3/2026.
- Sustainable Procurement Ratio of Palm Oil (Targets)*1
Instant noodle business in Japan: 100% by FY 3/2026
Group-wide: 100% by FY 3/2031
- Usage Ratio of Palm Oil Certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) (Results)*1, 2
2019: 20%
2020: 26%
2021: 36%
2022: 37.7%
2023: 43.4%
- Procurement Ratio from Suppliers That Can Trace Products up to Oil Mills (Results)*1, 3
2019: 100%
2020: 100%
2021: 100%
2022: 100%
- *1Certification of mass balance for NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS and NISSIN FOODS (U.S.A.), and segregation for Nissin Foods Kft. Mass balance is a certification model where certified palm oil is mixed with other uncertified palm oil during the distribution process. While it physically contains uncertified palm oil, the ratio is strictly recorded up until the final use stage, guaranteeing the certified sources from which it was purchased and the amount of certified palm oil. Segregation is a certification model where certified palm oil from several certified sources is delivered to the final manufacturer without being mixed with other uncertified palm oil. While it is not possible to identify a specific plantation, it guarantees that the raw material comes from a certified source.
- *2Usage ratio of RSPO-certified palm oil by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS, NISSIN FOODS (U.S.A.), and Nissin Foods Kft. to the entire Group
- *3For Group companies in Japan
Palm Oil Procurement
The NISSIN FOODS Group uses palm oil extracted from oil palms for purposes such as frying instant noodles. Oil palms are grown mainly in tropical areas such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Some plantation farms have been cited for destroying rainforests and ecosystems, emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) from peatland fires, and violating the human rights of plantation workers, and other issues.
Direction of Initiatives Related to Palm Oil
The NISSIN FOODS Group observes a commitment to the
procurement of sustainable palm oil that includes a policy of
NDPE* and works to expand the procurement of sustainable palm
Toward observing our commitment to the procurement of sustainable
palm oil, besides building up engagement with oil and fat manufacturers,
we also recognize the necessity of comprehensive support for oil
mills and oil palm plantations that are upstream in the supply
- *Abbreviation of No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation

Specifically, we strive to improve traceability by creating and managing a list of palm oil mills*1 that consolidates the names and locations of suppliers. In addition, using “Satelligence”, the satellite monitoring tools, we verify the risk of deforestation and peatland destruction in areas where mills and surrounding oil palm plantations are located. For mills assessed to have high risks, we confirm the facts with the oil and fat manufacturers that are our suppliers and study measures for improving the situation. Regarding oil palm plantations around mills with high risks, we gradually conduct field surveys with outside experts using questionnaires and dialogues and monitor in detail the impact on the environment of the location of production and the human rights of the workers.
In addition, by 2030, we will ensure traceability back to oil palm plantations, which are furthest upstream in the supply chain, and provide comprehensive support so that plantations can manufacture palm oil that takes into consideration the environment and human rights. We are also working on the establishment of a grievance response mechanism*2 for small-scale farmers to confirm and investigate together with third parties the issues of these farmers and complaints from them and seek solutions. We also plan to progressively introduce forest footprints*3, starting from areas that are particularly high in risks of deforestation and peatland destruction or infringements on the rights of local communities.
The NISSIN FOODS Group will cooperate with all stakeholders to build a sustainable palm oil supply chain.
- *1Refer to the link below for the list of mills
List of mills - *2A remedy mechanism for receiving reports about cases of human rights infringements and rectifying or improving the situation
- *3Total area of forests and peatlands affected by a company’s supply chain or financial institution’s investments and financing
Commitment to the Procurement of Sustainable Palm Oil
The NISSIN FOODS Group supports the No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) requirement. We have committed to cooperating with our suppliers and other stakeholders to procure sustainably sourced palm oil which has been produced in consideration of the environment of the palm's habitat and workers' rights.
- ・Protect high Conservation Value (HCV) areas and High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests, zero deforestation
- ・Prohibit the new development of peatland regardless of depth
- ・Prohibit burning for planting, land development, and other types of development
- ・Respect the rights of indigenous people and local residents, and prohibit infringement of land rights
- ・Comply with Principles and Criteria for the Production of Sustainable Palm Oil set forth by the RSPO
- ・Ensure traceability including to the plantation farms
- ・Comply with human rights policies to respect
for human and labor rights
NISSIN FOODS Group Policy on Human Rights

Procure RSPO-certified palm oil

To procure palm oil that has received third-party
certification that production takes into consideration
factors including the prevention of deforestation and
protection of biodiversity, the NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS became
a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)*1
in October 2017. In addition, since March 2019, all domestic
plants that manufacture CUP NOODLES began procuring
RSPO-certified palm oil. At present, the CUP NOODLES*2
packages bear the RSPO certification mark.
The NISSIN FOODS Group endorses the Principles and Criteria of
the RSPO, which are determined after discussions with many stakeholders.
And in April 2019, NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS joined, as a board member,
the Japan Sustainable Palm Oil Network (JaSPON) - which promotes
the use of RSPO-certified palm oil.
- *1RSPO stands for Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. The goal of the RSPO is to promote and operate a sustainable palm oil industry. It is an international non-profit organization established in 2004 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and companies that are closely connected with palm oil. The organization is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The RSPO certification mark is given to palm oil produced at RSPO-certified palm oil plantation farms and products distributed and processed by certified business operators. As of June 2024, the RSPO has more than 4,000 members worldwide, including palm oil producers, processors, manufacturers, retailers, and environmental NGOs from various walks of life. These members pledge to produce, supply and use RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil. Numerous stakeholders participate in the RSPO to repeatedly conduct talks while aiming to product and use sustainable palm oil. The members also review RSPO Principles and Criteria to address changes in conditions.
- *2Applies to three regular size items: CUP NOODLES, CUP NOODLES SEAFOOD, and CUP NOODLES CHILI TOMATO.
Implementation of Assessments
The NISSIN FOODS Group, together with Japanese domestic oil and fat manufacturers that supply the Group, is confirming that there are no violations of local laws at the primary refineries and oil mills from which domestic oil and fat manufacturers are sourcing their products.
In case if we find some local suppliers potentially have negative impact on the environment or human rights, we cooperate with oil and fat manufacturers to investigate the issues and implement some measures. Specifically, we monitor local oil mills and plantation farms by looking at the grievance response list managed by oil and fat manufacturers. For mills and plantations that have issues, we also take actions, including providing corrective guidance or suspending business transactions.
- Actions Taken Since 2019
Corrective guidance, including strengthening of traceability
back to plantations: 7 cases
Suspension of business transactions with oil mills and plantations: 3 cases
Strengthening of the Supply Chain Management System in Regions in Asia
In February 2024, we conducted a preceding survey and dialogue with small-scale palm oil farmers assessed to be on our Group’s supply chain. This initiative was conducted with the support of Caux Round Table Japan*1 and Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS)*2.
- *1A global network of business leaders working to realize a fair, free, and transparent society through sustainable and socially responsible business. It is currently engaged in global activities to disseminate the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and is providing support as a third-party organization, particularly with regard to Japanese companies.
- *2A local union of small-scale oil palm farmers in Indonesia that was established in 2006. The union supports production of oil palm with consideration for the sustainability of farmers. It maintains a network with more than 8,000 small-scale farmers in seven regions across Indonesia. Some of its activities include data collection and mapping of small-scale farmers, organization of farmers, training to improve productivity, and supporting the acquisition of certification—such as Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and RSPO—by farmers.
Background | The NISSIN FOODS Group has recognized that "strengthening supply chain management systems in the Asian region" as a priority theme to be addressed. In particular, international initiatives are calling for stronger monitoring of human rights risks for small-scale palm oil farmers and environmental risks such as deforestation in the production process. |
Purpose | Through dialogues with farmers, gain a detailed understanding of human rights and environmental risks in small-scale palm oil farmers and their surrounding areas. |
Scope | Dialogue participants: 20 small-scale farmers |
During the dialogue in 2023

During the dialogue in 2024

- *Nine external standards used as references for
this survey
•Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Independent Smallholder Standard, 2019
•Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) Principles and Criteria for Smallholder Groups, 2016
•International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) Independent Smallholder Group Certification Criteria, 2016 (ISCC 201-5, 202, 206)
•Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Part 2: General Principles for Independent Smallholders, 2013
•Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) Standard, Independent Smallholders (4 out of 7 principles), 2011
•Rainforest Alliance & UTZ/RA Sustainable Agricultural Standard for Smallholders, 2019 (Draft to be published June 2020)
•Fairtrade/Fairtrade Standard for Small-Scale Producer Organizations, 2019
•Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Sustainable Sourcing Code (3rd edition) issued by the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
•Sourcing Code for the Promotion of Sustainable Palm Oil issued by the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Survey scope and results

During the dialogue conducted in February 2024, we did not
identify any issue which needed to be handled immediately
among the small-scale farmers who participated in the survey
this time. However, similar to the dialogue conducted in March
2023, we confirmed cases of lower productivity and income
resulting from being unable to use fertilizers due to high
prices, and cases where protective equipment was not used due
to priority being given to efficiency of daily agricultural
In addition, we identified issues with small-scale farmers not
having knowledge about RSPO and ISPO certifications; failure to
obtain land ownership certificates issued by the national government
even though the farmers have obtained confirmation of land rights
issued by the local governments; and difficulties in improving
productivity and income due to a lack of opportunities for training
related to proper farm management.
In particular, economic issues—such as lower income and not possessing
land rights—may lead to other risks such as infringement of human
rights and environmental destruction in the future. Therefore,
responses toward solving these issues are necessary .
- Future actions
The NISSIN FOODS Group will continue to regularly conduct
these surveys and dialogues to strengthen engagement with
palm oil farmers while delving deep into the issues faced by
suppliers in general. In addition, we will build
relationships of trust by sharing the expertise developed
through these efforts with the entire supply chain. We will
also seek compliance with the NISSIN FOODS Group Policy on
Sustainable Procurement from the entire supply chain, and at
the same time, confirm the state of implementation.
Specifically for small-scale farmers, various measures—such as support programs for small-scale farmers—will be considered to promote sustainable farming practices that reduce human rights and environmental risks while promoting economic growth. For example, we will contribute toward improving the productivity and income of small-scale farmers by conducting training on obtaining RSPO and ISPO certifications and encouraging them to switch to sustainable farming. Furthermore, we will work toward developing an effective grievance response mechanism to absorb from small-scale farmers the potential risks and concerns that should be raised.
Direction of Procurement Activities
The NISSIN FOODS Group is developing procurement activities
based on our sustainable procurement policy. In order to
establish a sustainable quality assurance system, we are working
on “acquisition of traceability” and “utilization of
certification Systems” and “development of production areas”.
We aim to protect the environment through traceability of raw materials,
guarantee food quality, and ensure stable procurement in cooperation
with production areas.
Marine Products
The NISSIN FOODS Group aims to procure marine products that are caught in accordance with fishery methods that protect the ecosystem based on systematic marine resources management and give consideration to the human rights of employees. In light of this, the Group is promoting the procurement of MSC*1 and ASC*2 certified marine products. If these certified products cannot be available, products are procured from suppliers that can confirm conditions up to the fishing ground. For example, the Alaskan Pollack, which is used by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS in making fish paste, is all MSC-certified. Meanwhile, squid and shrimp are procured from suppliers that can trace conditions up to the fishing ground.
- *1Marine Stewardship Council
- *2Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Traceability in Shrimp

- ・The shrimp used by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS as raw materials are freeze-dried locally at a joint venture company in India and exported to Japan.
- ・Information on the fishing grounds and the markets where raw materials are bought and sold are recorded daily and can be tracked.
Traceability in fish paste

- ・More than half of the fish paste used by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS for freeze-dried kanikama, kamaboko, and ikakama is Alaskan pollock (MSC-certified), making 50% of the catch traceable.
Agricultural products
The green onions and cabbage used as raw materials by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS are grown under contract, and a representative of the Resourcing Division of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS visits the fields to check cultivation and agricultural chemicals use records. The soybeans that NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS procures as ingredients for Abura-age are USSEC (U.S. Soybean Export Council) certified, which indicates that they are produced in a sustainable manner.
Traceability in soybeans

- ・The soybeans used by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS as ingredients for Abura-age are grown in the United States. Optimal soybean varieties are carefully selected (to prevent contamination with GMOs and other varieties), and the growing regions can be traced at the state level.
Traceability in green onions

- ・The green onions used by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS as raw materials are procured from contract farms and its own farms through transactions with processing manufacturers, so the farmland can be traced.
Traceability in cabbages

- ・The cabbages used by as raw materials are procured from contract farms and its own farms through transactions with processing manufacturers, so the farmland can be traced.
Traceability in potatoes

- ・The potatoes used by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS as raw materials are only designated varieties and are harvested in specific areas both in Japan and overseas.
- ・70% of the potatoes are procured from contract farms, so the farmland is traceable.
We also comply with proper usage methods of veterinary
pharmaceutical drugs, including antibiotics and growth
hormones, in line with national standards. No genetically
modified or cloned animals are used as raw materials.
In addition, we receive regular reports from meat suppliers on
the status of their animal welfare efforts. Suppliers that deliver
chicken extract confirm that the chickens are not neglected in
an unsuitable environment (in other words, neglected at night).
Cage-free eggs have already been introduced in NISSIN FOODS DO
also begun introducing some of these eggs from 2023.
- Approach to Animal Welfare
The NISSIN FOODS Group takes into consideration the Five Freedoms, the basic principles of animal welfare* which are internationally recognized.
- ・Freedom from hunger and thirst
- ・Freedom from fear and distress
- ・Freedom from discomfort
- ・Freedom from pain, injury or disease
- ・Freedom to express normal behavior
- *The physical and mental state of an animal as it relates to its environment and its mortality.
NISSIN FOODS Group places priority on using FSC®*1 certified paper, produced from appropriate forestry management, mainly for product containers and packaging, various types of printed matter, cardboard, and copy paper.

Since September 2020, NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS has started using FSC®-certified paper for the cardboard cases of some products such as those under the CUP NOODLES brand.

MYOJO FOODS CO., LTD. is promoting the use of FSC®-certified paper and biomass ink made from biological
resources. The outer packaging of MYOJO CHUKAZANMAI
(bag-type noodles) indicates that FSC®-certified paper is used, and the hot water drainage lid
of MYOJO IPPEI-CHAN YOMISE NO YAKISOBA indicates that FSC®-certified paper and biomass ink are being used.
We have also started using FSC®-certified
paper for the cardboard cases of instant noodle and soup
products being manufactured and sold by MYOJO FOODS for
distribution in Japan, and aim to achieve 100% switch
within FY 3/2022.
- *Abbreviation of the Forest Stewardship Council®, a program that strives for proper management of forest as well as the use and conservation of sustainable forest resources
Traceability in paper containers (including Biomass Eco Cups)

- ・The origin of the wood used as raw material for the paper used in the "Biomass ECO Cup" can be traced to the prefectural and state level via the paper company.
Procurement Status of Certified Materials
Scope:Instant noodle business in Japan
Raw materials | Certification | Procurement Status |
Palm oil | RSPO |
72% in place by FY 3/2024 95% in place by FY 3/2025 100% introduction planned for FY 3/2026 |
Shrimps | MSC | Supporting the introduction of the MSC certification system on the west coast of India, a major production area |
Fish paste | MSC | 50% introduction of surimi used for crab cakes in FY 3/2024 |
Soybeans | USSEC | Soybeans used for Abura-age are 100% certified |
Paper | FSC | Corrugated cases are 100% certified |
Development of Low Environmental Impact Plant-Derived Meat Alternatives and Cultured Meat Products

While demand for meat is growing rapidly along with global
population growth and economic growth in emerging countries,
livestock production requires feed as well as large amounts of
water and land, and the development of forested regions—which
serve as habitats for diverse species—is becoming an issue. As
livestock production also emits large amounts of methane and
other greenhouse gases, it becomes a cause of global warming,
and there are concerns that it may lead to an increase in
species facing the threat of extinction.
As a solution to these issues, in 2016, the NISSIN FOODS Group
developed “soy beef,” made using an original production process
with soy protein as the main raw material, and began using it as
a product ingredient. Subsequently, we are promoting the use of
“soy meat,” including the development of soy pork and a soy char
siu chip.
In March 2019, we were the first in the world to successfully produce
bovine muscle tissue in the form of a diced steak (1.0 cm × 0.8
cm × 0.7 cm) using beef-derived muscle cells, created in collaboration
with the research group of Professor Shoji Takeuchi of the Institute
of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.
Furthermore, in March 2022, we succeeded for the first time in
Japan in producing edible cultured meat.
In recent years, cultured meat has been researched around the world,
and the NISSIN FOODS Group is working on cultured steak meat, which
requires advanced technology. Currently, our goal is to establish
the basic technology to produce cultured steak meat measuring 7
cm (width) x 7 cm (depth) x 2 cm (thickness) and weighing approximately
100 g within FY 3/2025.