Human Rights
The NISSIN FOODS Group respects the rights of all human beings that are impacted by Group business activities, based on one of the tenets of the philosophy of the founder, Shoku-I Sei-shoku (Food related jobs are a sacred profession, and we must contribute to human health and world peace). In April 2018, the Group established its policy on human rights. The Group also revised its code of conduct of the Ethics Regulations to newly state that “the Group will uphold internationally-recognized human rights protection standards as well as respect the basic human rights of all people and will not conduct itself in a manner that will damage the dignity of an individual.”
NISSIN FOODS Group Policy on Human RightsStructure
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS set up a human rights working group under the auspices of the Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the CEO of. This working group implements measures related to the respect of human rights.

Structure for reporting to management

Due Diligence

The NISSIN FOODS Group carries out human rights due diligence to promote business activities that take human rights into consideration. We work on the evaluation of adverse impacts on human rights and identification of issues, implementation of appropriate measures, evaluation of monitoring and tracking, and information disclosure in accordance with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights formulated by the United Nations.
In fiscal 2020, as part of the evaluation of adverse impacts on human rights and identification of issues, a human rights risk assessment (assessment of the underlying risks to human rights from business activities) was conducted. We identified “grasping the workplace environment for non-Japanese employees at domestic Group companies” and “strengthening the supply chain management system in regions in Asia” as priority human rights themes that the Group should take priority undertaking.
Human rights risk assessment procedures
- Step 1
- Surveyed human rights risks from forced labor, child labor, discrimination, human trafficking, destruction of forests, and environmental pollution—such as air and water—for all Group employees, women, children, migrant workers, local communities and other parties in all countries and regions in which the Group conducts business activities and widely extracted potential human rights issues.
- Step 2
- We held a workshop involving external experts and the divisions related to extracted themes (NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS Resourcing Division, Human Resources Division, Compliance Committee, Corporate Planning Division, Corporate Communications Division), and made an evaluation of impacts to society through hearings and discussions.
- Step 3
- Based on the results of Step 2, identified “grasping the work environment for non-Japanese employees at domestic group companies” and “strengthening the supply chain management system in regions in Asia” as priority human rights themes.
Identified human rights risks and state of initiatives
- 1. Grasping the work environment for non-Japanese employees at domestic group companies
To grasp the work environment for non-Japanese employees at domestic Group companies, an anonymous survey was conducted for non-Japanese employees at manufacturing plants in cooperation with a third-party agency*1 (conducted in June 2020, February 2021, and February 2022 at a total of nine plants and involving 229 employees)*2.
The survey results shows no major violations of the Dhaka Principles*3, a set of international guidelines related to migrant workers. However, there were cases where non-Japanese employees felt left out due to reasons such as language and cultural differences, and we reconfirmed that there may be adverse impact on human rights, and that it is necessary to have measures toward reducing and preventing human rights risks.
Going forward, we will continue to take measures such as reading contracts together during recruitment and making the items shown on pay slips easier to understand so that important information is provided to non-Japanese employees.
Furthermore, to make it easier for non-Japanese employees to convey their opinions, we have established contact points for consultation at workplaces and internal whistleblowing contact points as well as an opinion box where employees can give their opinions anonymously and in their mother tongues. At the same time, we regularly make known these initiatives to everyone and encourage their usage. We will continue to strive toward creating mechanisms that make it easier for non-Japanese employees to consult and communicate and establishing motivating workplace environments.
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS joined the Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards Responsible and Inclusive Society*4—which seeks to solve the labor and social issues faced by migrant workers in Japan—in January 2021. Since 2022, the company has also expressed its support for the basic policy on acceptance of foreigners stipulated by Seidanren*5.- *1The survey in June 2020 was conducted under the supervision of Caux Round Table Japan—a global network of business leaders working to realize a fair, free, and transparent society through sustainable and socially responsible business—while the one in February 2021 was under The Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain.
- *2For the survey in June 2020, the participants were 60 non-Japanese employees working at manufacturing plants of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (Kansai Plant) and SHIKOKU NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS. For the survey in February 2021, the participants were 87 non-Japanese employees working at the manufacturing plants of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (Shizuoka Plant) and NISSIN PLASTICS (Kanto, Kansai, and Shiga Plants).
For the survey in February 2022, the participants were 82 non-Japanese employees working at manufacturing plants of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (Kanto Plant, Shiga Plant, and Shimonoseki Plant). For the surveys in June 2020 and February 2021, the residential statuses of those surveyed were specified skilled workers (i), technical intern trainees, permanent residents, and their spouses and such. For the survey in February 2022, the residential statuses of those surveyed included specified skilled workers (i), permanent residents, and their spouses and such. - *3The Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity were formulated in 2012 by the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) based in the United Kingdom. There are 10 principles based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights formulated by the United Nations and international human rights standards.
- *4This is an organization established in November 2020 through public-private collaboration under the lead of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It formulated the following five principles of action:
1. We will comply with relevant laws and regulations when accepting migrant workers.
2. We will prioritize resolving issues by respecting the human rights of migrant workers and understanding their working and living conditions.
3. We will foster mutual understanding and trust with migrant workers, both in the workplace and in real-life settings.
4. We will develop the skills of migrant workers, as a way to contribute to the development and stability of Japan and the international community.
5. We will actively promote the initiatives of the platform across Japan and around the world.
Besides striving to implement these commitments within our own company/organization, we will also actively encourage our supply chain and related businesses and organizations to do the same. - *5Seidanren is an organization that offers recommendations to the government and administrative bodies and conducts information dissemination activities to citizens. It seeks to protect the livelihoods and lives of citizens, and its members include companies, industrial groups, consumer organizations, and NPOs.
- 2. Strengthening the supply chain management system in regions in Asia
We recognize that, in the supply chain within the Asia region, human rights and environmental issues related to palm oil production and farmers (small-scale plantations) are top priority issues. We conduct questionnaires and online dialogues with small-scale palm oil farmers that are on the NISSIN FOODS Group’s supply chain.
Employee Awareness Activities
We are spreading our human rights policy and the concept of respect for human rights among the NISSIN FOODS Group’s management and employees. Specifically, we conduct compliance training annually to raise awareness and deepen understanding about compliance for all employees in Japan. In this training, we continue to take up themes such as the prevention of workplace bullying and abuse and sexual harassment, and share the importance of creating workplace environments that allow diverse human resources to apply their capabilities.