Analyst Coverage
in alphabetical order
Company | Analyst |
Bernstein | Euan McLeish |
CLSA Securities Japan | Jun Kato |
Goldman Sachs Japan | Takashi Miyazaki |
JPMorgan Securities Japan | Satoshi Fujiwara |
Mizuho Securities | Hiroshi Saji |
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities | Haruka Miyake |
Okasan Securities | Manabu Sumoge |
SMBC Nikko Securities | Naomi Takagi |
UBS Securities Japan | Rei Ihara |
As of December 17, 2024
- ・This list is based on the information available to NISSIN FOODS Group at the time of publication. Therefore, please note that the list may not contain the latest information or that it may contain information that is not up-to-date.
- ・This list is prepared and published for the purpose of introducing investors to analysts of companies or research institutions who analyze or forecast the Company's performance, etc.
- ・NISSIN FOODS Group does not imply its endorsement of the analysts' forecasts, opinions, or recommendations, nor does it guarantee the consistency of such information.
- ・Analysts analyze the Company's performance, businesses, products, and technologies, and make forecasts of future performance based on their own judgment. NISSIN FOODS Group is not involved in any of those processes.