
The 5th Platinum Career Awards “Excellence Award”
The Platinum Career Award recognizes companies that support platinum career development. Nissin Foods Holdings received the “Excellence Award” for its open recruitment system that allows employees to apply for positions of their choice regardless of age if they meet certain requirements, its introduction of a system to introduce employees who are concerned about their career development to appropriate counselors, its development of educational programs to support the improvement of IT literacy, and its efforts to support employee skill acquisition. The award was given in recognition of the company's efforts to support employees in acquiring skills.

PRIDE Index 2023 Gold rating
The PRIDE Index is an index developed by "Work with Pride*," a voluntary organization, with the aim of creating a workplace where LGBTQ and other sexual minorities can work as themselves. NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS received the highest rating of "Gold" for its various initiatives, including training on sexual minorities and the development of a transgender benefit program.
- *A voluntary organization that supports the promotion and establishment of diversity management related to LGBTQ and other sexual minorities in companies and other organizations.

2023 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500)
The "White 500" (sponsored by the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council) is a
program that recognizes corporations that practice
particularly excellent health management.
FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS were recognized as "White 500"
corporations for their various efforts in health management,
such as strengthening health guidance by industrial physicians
and expanding industrial health systems, including the establishment
of health consultation offices. The company has been recognized
as a "White 500" corporation for its health management.

Tokyo Sports Promotion Company 2023
The " Tokyo Sports Promotion Company" (sponsored by the
Tokyo Metropolitan Government) is a system to certify
companies that promote and support sports among their
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS was recognized as a "Tokyo Sports Promotion
Company" for its ongoing support of the "Nissin Foods Cup"
National Elementary School Athletic Meet.

DX Certification
The "DX Certification" (sponsored by the Ministry of
Economy, Trade, and Industry) is designed to promote DX
throughout society, particularly among companies, by
establishing a management vision and internal systems, and
to certify businesses that are deemed "ready to transform
their business through digitalization.
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS received the "DX Certification" in recognition
of its various efforts to promote DX, including the digitization
of internal application documents.
FY 3/2023

Green Business Bureau Gold
The Green Business Bureau (sponsored by the Green Business Bureau) is a certification system that calculates and certifies the level of environmental friendliness of offices. Nissin's headquarters office in the U.S. received the highest rating of "Gold" for its environmentally conscious use of renewable energy and other resources.

PRIDE Index 2022
Gold rating
The PRIDE Index is an index developed by "Work with
Pride*," a voluntary organization, with the aim of
creating a workplace where LGBT and other sexual
minorities can work as themselves.
Nissin Foods Holdings received the highest rating of "Gold"
for its various initiatives, including training on sexual
minorities and the development of a transgender benefit program.
- *A voluntary organization that supports the promotion and establishment of diversity management related to LGBT and other sexual minorities in companies and other organizations.

2022 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500)
The "White 500" (sponsored by the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council) is a
program that recognizes corporations that practice
particularly excellent health management.
Nissin Foods Holdings, NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD., Nissin
Foods Chilled, and Nissin Foods Frozen were recognized as "White
500" corporations for their various efforts in health management,
such as strengthening health guidance by industrial physicians
and expanding industrial health systems, including the establishment
of health consultation offices. The company has been recognized
as a "White 500" corporation for its health management.

Tokyo Sports Promotion Company 2022
The " Tokyo Sports Promotion Company" (sponsored by the
Tokyo Metropolitan Government) is a system to certify
companies that promote and support sports among their
Nissin Foods Holdings was recognized as a "Tokyo Sports Promotion
Company" for its ongoing support of the "Nissin Foods Cup"
National Elementary School Athletic Meet.

DX Certification
The "DX Certification" (sponsored by the Ministry of
Economy, Trade, and Industry) is designed to promote DX
throughout society, particularly among companies, by
establishing a management vision and internal systems, and
to certify businesses that are deemed "ready to transform
their business through digitalization.
Nissin Foods Holdings received the "DX Certification" in recognition
of its various efforts to promote DX, including the digitization
of internal application documents.
Disaster Prevention Food Award 2022 "Special Award: The Japan Food Journal Award
The Disaster Prevention Food Awards (sponsored by the
Disaster Prevention and Safety Association and supported by
The Japan Food Journal) is a system to honor outstanding
disaster and emergency food.
Nissin Foods' "Cup Noodle Rolling Stock Set" won the "Special
Award: Japan Food Journal Award".
Naranja Distintivo
The "Naranja Distintivo" (sponsored by the Mexican state
government) recognizes companies that support the retention,
empowerment, and development of female employees, in
addition to eliminating workplace violence and promoting
gender equality.
Nissin Mexico received the "Naranja Distintivo" in the labor
equality category.
FY 3/2022
Green Logistics Partnership Conference "Commendation by Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism" and "Commendation by Vice-Minister of Commerce and Service, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD. is a member of the Green
Logistics Partnership Council (sponsored by the Ministry of
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Federation of Freight
Industries and Logistics Organizations, Japan Logistics System
Association, Japan Business Federation), which was established
to promote cross-industry collaboration through a
"partnership" between shipper companies and logistics
companies in order to realize green logistics. Logistics
System Association of Japan, and Japan Business Federation).
The conference recognizes businesses that have made outstanding
achievements in reducing environmental impact in the logistics
sector and establishing sustainable logistics systems. NISSIN FOOD
PRODUCTS CO., LTD. received the "Minister of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism Commendation" and the "Commerce and Service
Councilor's Commendation from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry" in recognition of its supply chain reform efforts.

PRIDE Index 2021
Gold Rating
The PRIDE Index is an index developed by "work with
Pride*," a voluntary organization, with the aim of
creating a workplace where LGBT and other sexual
minorities can work in their own way.
Nissin Foods Holdings received the "Gold" rating, the highest
rating in the PRIDE Index, for its various initiatives, including
training related to sexual minorities and the development
of benefit programs for transgender employees.
- *A voluntary organization that supports the promotion and establishment of diversity management related to LGBT and other sexual minorities in companies and other organizations.

2022 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500)
The "White 500" (sponsored by the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council) is a
program that recognizes corporations that practice
particularly excellent health management.
Nissin Foods Holdings, NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD., Nissin
Foods Chilled, and Nissin Foods Frozen were recognized as one
of the "White 500" companies for their various efforts in health
management, such as strengthening health guidance by industrial
physicians and expanding industrial health systems, including
the establishment of health consultation offices. The company
has been recognized as a "White 500" company for its various
efforts in health management.

Tokyo Sports Promotion Company 2021
The " Tokyo Sports Promotion Company" (sponsored by the
Tokyo Metropolitan Government) is a system to certify
companies that promote and support sports among their
Nissin Foods Holdings was recognized as a "Tokyo Sports Promotion
Company" for its ongoing support of the "Nissin Foods Cup"
National Elementary School Athletic Meet.
FY 3/2021
Advanced initiatives for environmental issues were recognized and many environmental awards in award programs organized or supported by the government were received.

The 3rd EcoPro Awards
The Minister’s Award from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries
Organized by the Sustainable Management Promotion
Organization (SuMPO) and supported by Japan’s Ministry of
Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and Ministry of the
This awards system recognizes environmentally-friendly products,
services, and technologies, with the goal of promoting further
development and dissemination.
The company’s initiatives that centered around the CUP NOODLES
DO IT NOW! Project, such as switching to Biomass ECO Cups and
beginning the use of certified palm oil, were highly rated.

The 2020 the Environment Minister’s Award for Climate Change Action
This program celebrates individuals and groups who have made
exceptional achievements in mitigating and adapting to
climate change.
The transition to Biomass ECO Cups received considerable praise
for promoting commercialization through the development of superior
technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and NISSIN FOODS
HOLDINGS was thus awarded the 2020 the Environment Minister’s
Award for Climate Change Action

Award for Good Practices of Consumer-oriented Management
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS received the Commissioner of the
Consumer Affairs Agency Commendation at the Fiscal 2020
Award for Good Practices of Consumer-oriented Management
organized by the Consumer Affairs Agency. This is a program
that recognizes best practices of business operators that
have made voluntary declarations of undertaking
consumer-oriented management.
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS was recognized for initiatives such as
the replacement of containers for CUP NOODLES brands with Biomass
ECO Cups—which encourages behavioral changes in consumers—being
an initiative with an impact on social issues and the research
and development of plant-derived meat alternatives being an initiative
that contributes toward reducing environmental impact.
The 29th Food Safety, Security, and Environmental Contribution Award
Organized by The Japan Food Journal
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS received the 29th Food Safety, Security,
and Environmental Contribution Award for making its social responsibilities
clear and developing its businesses with the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) in mind.
The company formulated the EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030 environmental
strategy, and the fact that it made efforts toward the use of biomass
materials, the utilization of power generation from waste, sales
of the CUP NOODLES Rolling Stock Set, and the provision of emergency
support for disasters, all while providing safe and delicious food,
was evaluated highly.
The 8th Food Industry Mottainai Award
The Judging Committee Judging Committee Chairman’s Award
Organized by the Organization of Food Marketing Structure
Improvement and supported by Ministry of Environment and
Consumer Affairs Agency
The award recognizes companies and individuals with significant
achievements from perspectives such as energy saving and CO2 reduction
and reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste for purposes including
global warming prevention, energy saving measures, and food loss
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS was recognized for initiatives such as the
replacement of containers for CUP NOODLES brands with Biomass ECO
Cups to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of electricity
generated by incinerating waste at the Tokyo Head Office to promote
the recycling of waste.
42nd Food Industry Excellent Company Awards
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award (CSR category)
Organized by Japan Food Industry Association and Organization
of Food-Marketing Structure Improvement
This program recognizes companies, organizations, and individuals
that have made significant achievements in the food manufacturing
and food distribution industries.
The overall sustainability activities of the NISSIN FOODS Group,
such as the establishment of EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030 and the
Sustainability Committee as well as the Hyakufukushi Project, were
recognized and awarded with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries Award in the CSR category.

Platinum Kurumin certification
Organized Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
This certification recognizes outstanding companies that support
employees in balancing work and childcaring.
NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD.'s childcare support through
parenting programs, the telecommuting program, the flex-time
system with no compulsory working hours, and other programs
were recognized and certified.

PRIDE Index 2020
Gold rating
This is an index developed by the Japanese nonprofit
group “work with Pride”* for evaluating corporate
efforts to support inclusiveness for LGBT employees and
other sexual minorities.
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS received a “Gold” rating for meeting
the designated requirements.
- *A nonprofit group that supports the promotion and establishment of LGBT-related diversity management in companies and other organizations.

2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500)
Organized by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi
This program recognizes outstanding enterprises engaging in
efforts for health and productivity management.
The strategic initiatives for health and productivity management
and certified.

Tokyo Sports Promotion Company 2020
Organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government
This program certifies companies that conduct excellent initiatives
toward encouraging employee sports activities and provide support
in the field of sports.
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS was certified for organizing the “NISSIN
FOODS Cup” National Elementary School Track and Field Championships
while avoiding the Three Cs (closed spaces, crowded places,
and close-contact setting) and taking thorough measures against

Resilience Certification for Business Continuity and Social Contributions
Organized by the Association for Resilience Japan
Based on the “Guidelines for Certifying Organizations Contributing
to National Resilience” issued by the National Resilience Promotion
Office, Cabinet Secretariat, Resilience Certification recognizes
companies and organizations that actively engage in business
continuity initiatives.
NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS has formulated business continuity plans
to continue its business activities and ensure a stable supply
of products even in times of emergency, such as large-scale
earthquakes or floods; it also carries out social contribution
activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of
maintaining emergency stockpiles.
【Overseas Group Companies】
Employer of Choice Award 2020
Asia Pacific Outstanding Employer Award 2020
Organized by Job Market Publishing Limited
This program recognizes companies with excellent human resource
development strategies.
The overall human resource system implemented by the NISSIN FOODS
Group in China and Hong Kong was recognized with this award.
Top Human Resources Management Awards
Human Resources Management Excellence Award
Organized by 51Job
This program recognizes companies with excellent human resources
The overall human resource system implemented by NISSIN FOODS
(CHINA) HOLDING CO., LTD. was recognized with this award.
Good Employer Charter 2020/2022
Organized by HKSAR Labour Department
This program recognizes companies that adopt employee-oriented
good human resource management practices.
The series of initiatives by NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD. And WINNER
FOOD PRODUCTS LTD. was recognized with this award.
ERB Manpower Developer Award 2020/2022
Organized by Employees Retraining Board
This program recognizes companies that build a corporate culture
advocating the importance of manpower training and development.
The NISSIN FOODS Group’s corporate culture in Hong Kong, which
understands the importance of human resources development, was
recognized with this award.
Happy Company 2020
Organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council
This program recognizes companies that enhance the happiness
of workers in Hong Kong.
The working environment of NISSIN FOODS (HK) MANAGEMENT CO.,
LTD. was recognized with this award.
Partner Employer Award 2020
Organized by Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium
Business Limited
This program recognizes companies that actively offer employment
opportunities to people such as the disabled, ethnic minorities,
rehabilitated persons, re-trained persons, and retirees.
The initiatives of NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD., NISSIN FOODS (H.K.) CO.,
PRODUCTS LTD. were recognized with this award.
Industry Care Logo
Organized by Federation of Hong Kong Industries
This program recognizes socially responsible companies.
The initiatives of NISSIN FOODS (HK) MANAGEMENT CO., LTD., which
have made a positive impact on society, recognized with this
Caring Company 2020/2021
Organized by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
This program certifies companies that contribute toward the creation
of an inclusive society through partnerships with social service
NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD.’s partnership with social service organizations
and the fulfillment of its corporate social responsibility through
activities that give consideration to the region, employees,
and environment were recognized and certified.
Social Capital Builder Logo Awards
Organized by Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
This program certifies companies that have contributed to the
development of social capital in Hong Kong.
The initiatives of NISSIN FOODS (HK) MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. were
recognized and certified.

Digital Transformation Stocks 2020
Digital Transformation Stocks 2020 is a joint effort between
the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo
Stock Exchange to select outstanding companies that are
actively engaged in digital transformation (DX).
The selection of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS was due to recognition
of the top management vision to “raise productivity through the
use of digital technology.” In addition, specific initiatives
were also recognized including next-generation smart factories,
projects to end legacy systems, and IT measures that support
new ways of working the era of COVID-19.

The World Star Competition 2021
Organized by the World Packaging Organization
Aimed at the development and spread of globally excellent packaging
and its technology, all kinds of packaging compete at the competition
in factors such as ease of use, originality, and innovation.
The “3 second-box” for tall cup-type instant noodles such as
CUP NOODLES received a World Star award in the Food category
of the World Star Competition 2021.
FY 3/2020
The Environment

Japan Nature Conservation Awards 2020
Organized by Nature Conservation Society of Japan
This program recognizes companies and organizations which contributed
nature conservation and biodiversity.
The biodiversity improvement actions through biotope creation
and forest maintenance implemented by NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO.,
LTD. were recognized with this award.

Best Resilience Award in the Business and Industry Category of the 2020 Japan Resilience Awards
Organized by Association for Resilience Japan
This program recognizes companies and organizations that actively
engage in building social resilience.
The awareness raising actions and encouraging the Rolling Stock
method, (consuming food stock nearing expiration and replacing
it with new items) by launching the CUP NOODLES Rolling Stock
Set as well as distributing original pamphlets were recognized
with this award.

Platinum Kurumin certification
Organized Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
This certification recognizes outstanding companies that support
employees in balancing work and childcaring.
NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD.'s childcare support through
parenting programs, the telecommuting program, the flex-time
system with no compulsory working hours, and other programs
were recognized and certified.

Selected as a Semi-Nadeshiko Brand
Organized by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry, and Tokyo Stock Exchange
The enterprises that are outstanding in terms of encouraging
women’s success in the workplace are selected. The Semi-Nadeshiko
Brand designation are just below the Nadeshiko Brand without
any limitation on the number of businesses so designated.
The series of initiatives such as work-life balance support
and skills development for women of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO.,
LTD. were recognized and selected.

2020 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500)
Organized by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi
This program highlights outstanding enterprises engaging in
efforts to advance health and productivity management.
A series of measures to support employee health of NISSIN FOODS
were recognized and selected.

Certification as a Tokyo Sports Promotion Company 2019
Organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government
This program recognizes companies that promote employees' sports
activities and engage in sports-related social contribution
A social contribution program that links the promotion of employee
health of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD. was recognized and

Certification as a Sports Yell Company 2019
Organized by Japan Sports Agency
This program recognizes companies that promote employees' sports
A social contribution program that links the promotion of employee
health of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD. was recognized and
【Overseas Group Companies】
Partner Employer Award 2019
Organized by Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium
Business Limited
This program recognizes enterprises which are actively offering
employment opportunities to the disabled, ethnic minorities,
rehabilitated persons, re-trained persons and retirees, etc.
The initiatives of Nissin Foods (H.K.) Co., Ltd. and Nissin Foods
(H.K.) Management Co., Ltd. were recognized with this award.
Asia Pacific Outstanding Employer Award of the Employer of Choice Award 2019
Organized by Job Market Publishing Limited
This program recognizes very best organizations that have demonstrated
superior talent management strategies.
The talent management strategies, programs and HR best practices
of Nissin Foods Group (HK & China) were recognized with this
ERB Manpower Developer Award 2018/2020
Organized by The Employees Retraining Board
This program recognizes an enterprise that has outstanding manpower
training & development. The corporate culture advocating
the importance of manpower training & development of Nissin
Foods Group (HK) was recognized with this award.
Good Employer Charter 2018/2020
Organized by HKSAR Labour Department
This program recognizes an enterprise that adopts employee-oriented
good human resource management practices.
The series of initiatives of NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD. and Winner
Food Products Limited were recognized with this award.
HK Corporate Citizenship 2019
Organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council
This program recognizes an enterprise which takes Corporate Social
The NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD.'s CSR vision such as improving quality
of work and life for staff and motivating social sustainability
development was recognized with this award.
Happy Company 2019
Organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council
This program recognizes an enterprise which enhances Hong Kong
employees’ level of happy working.
NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD. was recognized with this award because
the company facilitates a happy working environments,
Caring Company 2019/2020
Organized by The HK Council of Social Service
This program recognizes an enterprise that builds a strategic
partnership among company and social service providers, and contributes
to an inclusive society.
NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD. was recognized for inspiring corporate
social responsibility through caring for the community, employees
and the environment.
Transport Packaging Award of the Japan Packaging Contest 2019
Organized by Japan Packaging Institute
This program recognizes companies which develop excellent packaging
and technology.
The new corrugated box of MYOJO FOODS CO., LTD. was recognized
with this award for the easy use for displaying the product at
stores, thus solving the labor issues at the distribution site.
【Overseas Group Companies】
Best in Reporting in the Main Board Listed Companies - Small Market Capitalization of the BDO ESG AWARDS 2019
Organized by BDO Limited
This program recognizes companies which achieved high standards
in ESG reporting.
The Annual Report 2017 of NISSIN FOODS CO., LTD. was recognized
with this award for having made a positive impact in the areas
of ESG as an outstanding listed company in Hong Kong.
ESG Indexes
ESG Indexes (as of August 2023)

Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World)
Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific)
Since 1999, the DJSI has annually surveyed and analyzed the
world's leading companies in the three areas of "economy,"
"environment," and "society" to evaluate companies that
excel in sustainability.
Nissin Foods Holdings was selected for inclusion in the DJSI
World and DJSI Asia Pacific Indexes, which cover approximately
2,500 major companies in both developed and emerging countries.

FTSE4Good Index Series
FTSE Blossom Japan Index
The FTSE4Good Index Series is an investment index selected
by FTSE Russell, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange
Group, which identifies companies that are taking excellent
measures in the three areas of "economy," "environment," and
"society," which are essential for the sustainable growth of
society and companies. Nissin Foods Holdings, Inc.
Nissin Foods Holdings was selected as a constituent of the FTSE
Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative
Index, which are ESG indices used by the General Pension Investment
Fund (GPIF).

MSCI World ESG Leaders Index
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index
The MSCI World ESG Leaders Index is a global ESG investment
index created by MSCI, Inc.
Nissin Foods Holdings is included in the MSCI Japan ESG Select
Leaders Index, which is composed of selected Japanese companies
that excel in ESG assessment.

CDP 2022 Climate Change A-List
CDP 2022 Water Security A-List
CDP is an environmental non-profit organization founded in
the U.K. in 2000 that operates an international disclosure
system to help companies and others manage their
environmental impacts. CDP's indicators are widely used to
drive investment and procurement decisions toward a
sustainable and resilient economy.
Nissin Foods Holdings has been selected as a Climate Change 2022
A-list company and a Water Security 2022 A-list company.